Foundation Via Pribina
In the 2024 Grant Call, a record-breaking 186 organizations participated, marking the highest turnout we’ve ever experienced. Unfortunately, are resources are limited and we are unable to support every organization at this time.
We encourage you to reapply next year as your chances of success may increase. The upcoming grant call will be announced in November 2024.
This year, the Via Pribina Foundation is proud to support the following organizations:
Organisation | Region | Grant |
Napreduj | TN | € 8,780.00 |
Gr.kat Charita | PO | € 2,000.00 |
Martinus | BB | € 6,400.00 |
Robinson | KE | € 14,020.00 |
Rod Zdr Plickova | BA | € 5,060.00 |
Orava Spiš Charita | ZA | € 14,890.00 |
Združenie priateľov Radosť | KE | € 3,380.00 |
Slov Kat Charita | KE | € 10,840.00 |
Arcidiecézna Charita KE | KE | € 6,600.00 |
Prameň Nádeje | NR | € 14,905.00 |
Zvieratá a ľudia navzájom | PO | € 6,750.00 |
Dom Svetla | KE | € 13,000.00 |
Psi Na život | TN | € 6,740.00 |
Benetrix | ZA | € 6,820.00 |
Kresťania v Meste | BA | € 10,000.00 |
Sv Luiza | TN | € 2,250.00 |
Jazdecký klub Madon | BB | € 14,490.00 |
Radost | PO | € 6,910.00 |
Veľké Leváre Reedukačné centrum | BA | € 8,160.00 |
Centrum pomoci Domček | BB | € 8,460.00 |
SSC Salezko Sasova | BB | € 3,400.00 |
Nádej | BA | € 14,500.00 |
Pomocníček | NR | € 13,700.00 |
Detičky Lastovičky | KE | € 6,000.00 |
Lučenec | BB | € 4,220.00 |
Keramický ateliér Oknologickí pacienti | LM | € 3,320.00 |
Total | € 215,595.00 |
Foundation Via Pribina –
we are making a long-term commitment to include everyone in the society.

Foundation Via Pribina was last modified: July 19th, 2024 by