Instructions for transport of oversized cargo
Procedure for applying for the transport of excessive and oversized loads
Plan ahead any transport of excessive or oversized cargo by the Via Pribina expressway in Nitra, West – Tekovské Nemce section. Please apply for the necessary permissions for special use of roads by the road administration authority and request the consent of the administrator of this route, Via Pribina Operations, a.s.
The permitting procedure for the special use of roads for excessive and oversized transports, as well as the procedure of administrators and the determination of conditions are (among other regulations) governed by the Methodological Instruction of the MTPT SR no. 1/2008, in particular Chapter 4.1 Defining the requirements for the special use of roads.
Information of the road administration body – Slovak Road Administration for carriers of excessive or oversized loads can be found here.
The carrier must contact Via Pribina Operations, a.s. in the form of a request for the opinion of the road administrator on the special use of roads in excessive and oversized traffic.
Conditions for the consent of the road administrator of the Via Pribina expressway
Via Pribina Operations, a.s. issues a consent if the applicant complies with all obligations arising from Methodological Instruction 1/2008 issued by the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic, Department of Road Transport and Roads.
It is necessary to ensure transport is in accordance with Act no. 8/2009 Coll., Vyhl. 9/2009 Coll., Act no. 725/2004 Coll. and in accordance with the Regulation of the Government of the SR no. 349/2009 Coll.
The kit and the accompanying vehicle must be equipped with a functioning contour and warning device.
We require the carrier to check in advance the transport route for scheduled closures and detours on the expressway Via Pribina route that would prevent the transport from being carried out (toll-free phone no .: 0800 333 333).
The date of the transport has to be specified by the carrier (by post or e-mail) no later than 3 days before they take place and the expressway administrator, Via Pribina Operations, a.s. has to be informed.
The carrier is obliged to notify the administrator using the tel. no. 0800 333 333 at the point of entry as well as the departure, start and the end section of the expressway Via Pribina under the administration of Via Pribina Operations, a.s.
In the event of a damage to the expressway Via Pribina (or its premises), the applicant is obliged to immediately notify the Traffic Monitoring Center (TMC) (tel. no. 0800 333 333) and pay the costs associated. The transport must be carried out in such a way that the road body, bridges and their accessories are not damaged. The damage caused to the road body, bridge structures and their accessories shall be paid in full by the carrier.
Via Pribina Operations, a.s. is not responsible for any differences between the data stated in the application and the actual parameters of the carrier’s load. The applicant should only give data and parameters corresponding with the real measurements associated with the cargo.
In the event that the transport does not take place within the specified time, or with parameters different from the parameters specified in the application, Via Pribina Operations, a.s. submit to the road administrative authority for motorways and expressways, which is the initiative of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Slovak Republic to impose a sanction for non-compliance with the conditions of special use.
If the set becomes immovable due to a technical failure or accident, the carrier will ensure its towing within a time limit of 2 hours. 30 min. from the moment the set is immobile at its own expense, respectively the set will be withdrawn from the RC Via Pribina section at its expense.
You can send the requests for transport to the road administrator at the following address:
Via Pribina Operations, a.s.
SSÚR Selenec
Ing. Roman Naď
Assistant technician for asset planning and management
949 01 Nitra
tel .: 0917 115 089
Instructions for transport of dangerous goods
The transport of dangerous goods is regulated by the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road ADR and also applies to national transport. This agreement was published in the Decree of the Ministry of Health no. 64/1987 of the collection and the Czechoslovak Republic acceded to it in 1986. Within the framework of international road transport of dangerous goods, the Slovak Republic acceded to this agreement as the successor of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in 1993 (Notification of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic No. 243/1996 Coll.).